Bride - Snakes In the Playground / Kinetic Faith



Limited Run Vinyl 
(only 750)
Webstore Exclusive CD 
(with limited edition trading card) 


Limited Run Vinyl 
(only 750)
Webstore Exclusive CD 
(with limited edition trading card) 

If you have never owned these albums and this will be the first time you are seeing or hearing them, you are in for one of the defining moments of your life.  Believe me, they are that good. For those of us that have owned them on cassette or CD, it's going to be a special moment listening to them on vinyl for the very first time. It's hard to believe that this will be the first opportunity to spin these. If you're a CD person, lookout, these remastered releases might blow your speakers.  Definitely, a moment for the ages.

Below are graphics, product descriptions and lyric videos for each.  We wanted you to have everything ahead of time so all you need to do is buy them on Friday. We do have one special surprise we will show you on Thursday. 

Bride - Snakes In The Playground

  • FIRST TIME ON VINYL (Red Transparent w/black marble swirl)
  • Vinyl includes Full Color 2 Sided Sleeve with Printed Lyrics, Band Photo
  • CD includes Limited Edition Trading Card
  • Limited Run Vinyl (Limited to 750 Red Vinyl)
  • Remastered by Rob Colwell (Bombworks Sound)

Completely remastered for both CD and Vinyl.  The Colored Vinyl (Red with Black Marble Swirl) will contain a sturdy 2 sided printed insert with band photo and lyrics. It is also the first time this album has been on Vinyl.

If there ever was a defining moment in a band’s history, for Bride, it would be this one.  Snakes in the Playground was Bride's fifth and most successful album.  Rarely did albums grace the Christian music scene that were welcomed with as much fanfare as this one. For Christian rock fans worldwide, this album was our Abbey Road, our Hotel California, our Back in Black and our Appetite for Destruction.  It was also our defining moment as much as it was the band’s. Our rock was finally as great as theirs. Maybe it was Bride's relentless touring and international attention. Maybe it was their four previous albums that brought them to this moment. Whatever the reason, we were blown away the second we heard "Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart today," followed immediately by a bell tolling and a siren. It took exactly 49 seconds to realize this was going to be something very special; and special it was.  Bride won the 1993 DOVE AWARD™ for HARD MUSIC SONG OF THE YEAR for "Rattlesnake," as well as the 1994 DOVE AWARD™ for HARD MUSIC SONG OF THE YEAR for "Psychedelic Super Jesus." Snakes in the Playground also solidified its lasting impact landing at #45 in Heaven’s Metal magazine's list of the Top 100 Christian Rock Albums of all time.

Rattlesnake Official Lyric Video

What Dale Thompson says:

Snakes in the Playground would be the breakthrough album of our career. This would produce more touring, more press and even two Dove Awards for best song. But it was no easy chore achieving such accomplishments. Seeing that we were their only Christian metal act, we felt that being recognized as a legitimate band was important. I felt that this record had to really excel above and beyond anything that we had previously done. It was important to outdo ourselves, or fall into the pit with many of the other stale bands. We did a lot of work in the studio fine tuning possible songs even before a producer was decided upon. We tried to write more from the heart. Doing a more live sounding record was the key. Our energy from the live shows had to somehow come through on this record. We brought it a Producer from New Jersey named Plinky. Plinky worked crazily hard for this album. The "Snakes" album was done on long hours into the night and Plinky's oil-like coffee. Plinky was lots of fun in the studio and had a great ear. Jerry and Plinky butted heads a few times about triggering the drums, but they seemed to work things out. Plinky needed lessons in the art of coffee brewing, and his blackened chicken dinners were a gourmet treat, though we had to eat the meals outside due to the entire upstairs filling with smoke. We had every door and window open and fans blowing on high to clear the heavy fog that rose from the skillet. We brought in a few special guests for the album. Peter and John from the Newsboys, Rik Florean from White Heart for back up vocals, Greg Martin from the Kentucky Headhunters, Rick Elias, and Derek Jan from Novella for some solo guitar spots. 

What John Thompson (True Tunes) says:

While Kinetic Faith represented a quantum leap for Bride, from their retro metal roots to the bluesy hard rock that was reigning at the top of the mainstream charts at the dawn of the Alternative era, it turned out to be a mere warm-up for the band’s real breakthrough, Snakes In The Playground. Sounding something like the musical equivalent of a car that had stripped out everything but the gas pedal, the steering wheel, and the driver’s seat, this was blistering, raw, hard rock with a laser focus on memorable songwriting, irresistible riffs, and Thompson’s voice. Sure – it may have been “Christian music’s answer to Guns N’ Roses,” but in this case, that answer was a resounding “Forget you!”

- John Thompson (True Tunes)

  1. Rattle Snake (4:33)
  2. Would You Die for Me (3:35)
  3. Psychedelic Super Jesus (4:17)
  4. Fallout  (4:03)
  5. Salt River Shuffle (:37)
  6. Dust Through a Fan (3:08)
  7. I Miss the Rain (3:52)
  8. Don't Use Me (Intro) (:19)
  9. Don't Use Me (4:01)
  10. Picture Perfect (4:21)
  11. Love Money (3:47
  12. Some Things Never Change (4:09)
  13. Goodbye (Intro)  (:23)
  14. Goodbye (5:20)


 Bride - Kinetic Faith 

  • FIRST TIME ON VINYL (Green w/black marble swirl)
  • 30th Anniversary 
  • Vinyl includes Full Color 2 Sided Sleeve with Printed Lyrics, Autographs
  • CD includes Limited Edition Trading Card
  • Limited Run Vinyl (Limited to 750 Green Vinyl)
  • Won DOVE AWARD™ for "Everybody Knows My Name"
  • Originally Release in 1991
  • Remastered by Rob Colwell (Bombworks Sound)

Completely remastered for both CD and Vinyl.  This Webstore exclusive CD can only be purchased here and will come in a jewel case with a 12-page booklet containing lyrics, photos, and a special limited edition trading card.

The Colored Vinyl (Green with Black Marble Swirl) will contain a sturdy two-sided printed insert with band photo and lyrics. It is also the first time this album has ever been on Vinyl.

Kinetic Faith was Bride's fourth album released in 1991, making this the 30th anniversary edition of this iconic album. It has been completely remastered, and is now available on CD and marks the first time this elite album has been available on vinyl. 

Looking back at this iconic album, it was not the thrash album that many thought would come on the heels of Silence Is Madness, but more of a straightforward hard rock and commercial metal album in the vein of Aerosmith, Guns N’ Roses, and Mötley Crüe.  This was not a bad thing at all. For many it is the album that many call their defining moment.  It opened Bride up to a wider audience, and it probably is why so many loved this album who were not big fans of their first three albums. It is also the reason why they won a DOVE AWARD for "Everybody Knows My Name."Dale Thompson’s controlled vocals and "even" approach with raspy and blues flavored parts became his signature sound. Troy Thompson incorporated bluesy licks, and the songs are anchored by the tight rhythm section of bassist Rick Foley and drummer Jerry McBroom. Rob Johnson also plays some lead and rhythm guitar parts as a guest musician. 

"Everybody Knows My Name," "Hired Gun, "Mountain," and "Ever Fall in Love" all feature an acoustic-laced hard rock sound, while "Troubled Times" and "Ski Mask" move in a more guitar-driven direction. "Ever Fallen in Love” and "Young Love," deliver up-tempo hooks, and "Sweet Louise," is an acoustic based rock and roll ballad that went down in history as one of Christian rock’s best bluesy ballads.


Everybody Knows My Name Official Lyric Video


What Dale Thompson says:

This record would be the turning point for the band. This would be the record that would begin to escalate us in the public's eye. God was about to move in a mighty way. When I did not move with him, he would force me to move. He had moved the prophets in the Old Testament when they refused to do things His way, and I was no exception. " ... For who hath resisted his will?" (Romans 9:19) I still did not fully understand what was happening and how God had been shaping us all these years for this moment.  Playing the Kinetic Faith songs out live was where the band really shined. I remember playing a great place in Columbus OH called The Kings Place. There were people that had been standing in the freezing rain 4 hours before the show. We went out after sound check and talked to them. Before the doors opened, the crowd had grown and snaked its way around the building. We asked Ron, the fellow who ran the room, if he thought they were under the impression that Bloodgood was playing? We were trying to justify such a huge crowd. Ron said he announced weeks back that Bloodgood had canceled, and that this crowd was there to see us. This was the loudest crowd we had ever played to. Even before we began it was hard to think backstage because of the noise. One thousand plus were squashed into the room. We had a few hecklers there in the beginning, and Ron forcibly removed them before we began the show. (There seems to always be someone in the crowd who is against Christian Rock.) The night was a great success.

What John Thompson (True Tunes) says:

Kinetic Faith marked a serious jump for Bride. Honestly, it was the first Bride album I personally loved. The earlier stuff had been purely metal based – very much referencing stuff like Judas Priest. It was good for what it was, to be sure, but that just wasn’t where my head was at usually. I remember when the pre-release for Kinetic Faith got to me I assumed it would be more of the same, and in 1991 the old school metal stuff was really sounding kind of dated. Bands like Janes Addiction and Screaming Trees were redefining what hard rock sounded like. Kinetic Faith shocked me, not only with its remarkably improved production, but with the band’s bold step into the post-metal era. By leaning more into the bluesy undercurrent of hard rock, and with Dale Thompson following his naturally grungy and dark instincts, the band set themselves up for a strong second act.

- John Thompson (True Tunes)


1. Troubled Times   04:29
2. Hire Gun 04:29
3. Ever Fallen in Love  04:36
4. Love on the Mountain 04:12
5. Ski Mask 04:31
6. Everybody Knows My Name 04:23
7. Young Love 03:31
8. Kiss the Train 03:58
9. Crimes Against Humanity 04:05
10. Sweet Louise 04:42




Press Release - Christian Metal Band BRIDE Gets Two Classic Albums Re-Issued

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Christian Metal Band BRIDE Gets Two Classic Albums Re-Issued

Snakes in the Playground & Kinetic Faith coming on Vinyl and CD

Wilmington, NC – Feb. 15, 2021 — Girder Records is proud to announce the re-release of two of Christian rock’s most iconic albums from Christian metal band Bride. Snakes in the Playground and Kinetic Faith will be completely remastered and released on CD as well as colored vinyl on May 21, 2021 with pre-orders starting on Feb 26, 2021.   It will mark the first time that these classics have been made available in the vinyl record format.  

Kinetic Faith was released in 1991 with Snakes in the Playground following in 1992 and were the band’s two most successful albums garnering mainstream attention and radio airplay across the world.  The band received three DOVE AWARDS™ for HARD MUSIC RECORDED SONG OF THE YEAR: two songs from the album Snakes in the Playground - “Rattlesnake” and “Psychedelic Super Jesus,” as well as one song from Kinetic Faith - “Everybody Knows My Name.”

Brothers Dale and Troy Thompson started off as MATRIX recording Monkey See Monkey Do and PG-13 in the early 80’s but in 1986 changed their name and BRIDE was born.  Kinetic and Snakes were their fourth and fifth albums after Show No Mercy (1986), Live to Die (1988) and Silence Is Madness (1989), and a "best of" featuring two new songs, End of the Age (1990).

Bride has recorded/released a whopping 24 albums.  Vocalist Dale Thompson has been touted by many as the “hardest working singer in Christian music.”  Dale has always been able to level surreal screams that are perfectly on pitch and in-tune despite traveling relentlessly in support of these albums and others throughout the years.  It is no surprise that Bride amassed a fan base that began in the USA and stretched all the way to Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, and throughout Europe. The demand for their music is still growing. These 30th Anniversary remastered albums are exactly what fans have been asking for.

Put the date on your calendar and get ready to rock. Pre-Orders for these iconic  albums will begin on Feb 26th, 2021 at our website


Previous article 10 Christian Metal albums (from the 80's) that I Can't Get Enough Of